Harmonic Carbon Api Manual For Xml
Access both the Encoding.com and Vid.ly APIs via our that includes API credentials, 1 GB of free encoding bandwidth per month and access to all of our powerful features. Usage rates apply to Vidly usage. When ready to deploy your video application, simply login to the Encoding.com Client Interface and select one of the Monthly or Pre-Pay plans to meet your projected encoding volumes and SLA requirements. High-volume users should connect directly with us for custom plans. All of our plans are designed to scale with your usage.
Accelerate your development: We have API wrappers for all popular languages:, Design your workflow: Chose from basic or advanced workflows using. Add a simple listener script to receive our notification posts informing you when jobs are complete. Browser video upload system (UGV): Enable end users to upload videos directly to Encoding.com.
Use our out-of-the-box or code that includes API integration, browser-based upload functions, a progress bar, notifications and cloud storage. API Workflow Overview The Encoding.com API allows you to automate a high volume workflow by integrating a and scalable media processing platform into your, CMS, MAM, or application. Our XML or JSON API is the most mature, well documented and feature rich cloud encoding API on the market. Our will help generate properly format, and test your JSON or XML requests before writing a single line of code. Here is how is works: Your application sends either the AddMedia or AddMediaBenchmark API request to Encoding.com which includes:.
The of your video. Job notification location (http or email). One or multiple custom or preset desired encoding recipes.
One or multiple for your video. Encoding.com immediately with a media ID so your application can track the progress of the job.
With the fastest SLA backed queue times in the industry, Encoding.com processes all of your jobs in parallel on dedicated multi core servers. Chose from three processing speed level, Baseline (4 core), Turbo (8 core), Twin Turbo (16 core). Our platform scales and assigns compute in realtime based on your needs so if you sent us 1 jobs with 1 output, it would process just as fast as if you sent us 250 jobs each with 10 outputs. When processing is complete we will automatically send your output to your specified delivery point and send a to your application.
Notification posts are originating from or See our for a complete list of IP ranges if you are interested in allowing firewalls access, however please note the IPs addresses within a public cloud environment are subject to change often and without notice. Our XML or JSON API can be quickly integrated into applications written in any language.
To accelerate your development we provide and support code libraries in many popular languages:,. There are also dozens of. Some API Features to note: Easily copy custom or preset XML encoding templates in the client interface and then use with the API or: Will deliver individual job progress per media ID throughout all phases of the job. Possible status results are:? New, Downloading, Downloaded, Ready to process, Waiting for encoder, Processing, Saving, Finished, Error, Stopped Perform:,.: Get detailed media information about your source video to store in your application or customize your encoding recipes.
Complete let’s you manage sub users and isolate sub users encoding usage. End Point To send API requests to Encoding.com, please send HTTP(S) post requests to: http(s)://manage.encoding.com IP: All client requests and server responses use the XML or JSON format. Clients must send the HTTP(S) POST request with a single parameter named xml(or json for JSON request). The server response will be a normal XML document or JSON string. Please urlencode any special characters in source or destination url paths and then url encode the entire XML request using content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Cold Fusion Now supported by Adobe, take a look at our ColdFusion sample script to get you started.
Action The action to be performed in the API request. Action Description AddMedia Add new media to user's queue. Creates new items in a queue according to formats specified in the XML API request. AddMediaBenchmark Add new media to user's queue and sets a flag to NOT process automatically after downloading. Format fields can be specified as well. If NotifyURL is set, a notification will be sent after the media is ready for processing.
Note: the media will get 'Ready to process' status only when at least one field is specified. Otherwise, you may retrieve source media information via GetMediaInfo action listed below. UpdateMedia Replace information about existing media's formats. All old format items will be deleted and the new ones will be added. ProcessMedia Start encoding the previously downloaded media (ones that have been added with an AddMediaBenchmark action). CancelMedia Delete specified media and all its items in the queue. GetMediaList Returns a list of the user's media in the queue.
GetStatus Returns information about a selected user's media and all its items in the queue. GetMediaInfo Returns video parameters of the specified media when available. GetMediaInfoEx Returns extended video parameters of the specified media when available. RestartMedia Complete restart the entire job.
RestartMediaErrors Only retry tasks ended with error. RestartMediaTask Only restart the specified task (format). Additional parameter must be specified. StopMedia Stop media downloading/processing/uploading. If at least one destination is saved, media will be finished, otherwise it will be stopped.
StopLive Stop Live Transcoding process. AddStreamEndpoint Add Retranslation Endpoint. GetStreamEndpointList Return created Retranslation Endpoints list. DeleteStreamEndpoint Delete Retranslation Endpoint. Get current queue statistics. Get queue statistics for selected date range. Get reserved instances usage information.
Add SSH RSA key for host, that could be used as destination for your media. Get Quality Control Tests status. SourceFile Source media file.
Must be specified only for AddMedia and AddMediaBenchmark actions. It can be in the following formats: Source type Description HTTP Parameter “?multithread=1” in source URL turns on multithread download FTP / SFTP ftp://user:password@hostname:port/path/filename?passive=yes sftp://user:password@hostname:port/path/filename Note: Adding?passive=yes to the FTP URL forces downloader/uploader use Passive Mode for FTP transfer. Also, you can specify?passive=no (the default) explicitly. It will take the same effect that if you don't specify this parameter at all. Parameter “?multithread=1” in source URL turns on multithread download Parameter “?disable-epsv” in source URL disables extended passive mode Amazon Web Services (S3) — If you don't specify an AWS key/secret, the object must have READ permission for AWS user 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b92a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869 (or for all users). See for details.
— If you need your S3 files to be accessed with your own AWS credentials, add your AWS key/secret to the URL. If you use the Access key and Secret key, they must be URL encoded.
For example, if your Key and the Secret are: 1ZG3YAKJ8W0VOA9L7WT6lQT5MsQLirc8owb:SxX/9EhU4M+QarasFelQ0v2M First, we must URL encode the Secret as it contains special characters: ':','+' and '/'. The URL encoded Secret is now: lQT5MsQLirc8owb%3ASxX%2F9EhU4M%2BQarasFelQ0v2M You should NOT encode the colon between Key and Secret nor the '@' after them. Source media decryption You can use encrypted for your media – just add following decryption params to the container. Notifications UserID UserKey Action SourceFile xml json NotifyURL NotifyEncodingErrorURL NotifyUploadURL yes no NotifyLiveStartedURL QCNotifyURL Notifyformat Can be XML (default) or JSON – defines callback format. Notify Can be either an HTTP(S) URL for the script with which the result will be posted, or a mailto: link with email address for which the result info will be sent. This field may be specified for AddMedia and AddMediaBenchmark actions.
Notifyencodingerrors Can be either an HTTP(S) URL for the script or a mailto: link with email address for which result info will be sent only if media finished with encoding errors. Notifyupload Can be either an HTTP(S) URL for the script or a mailto: link with email address for which result info will be sent when media uploaded to the specified destination. Note: for, and notify for each stream will be sent. If param set to yes output params will be included to notification callback(this feature doesn’t work with ). Notifylivestart Can be either an HTTP(S) URL for the script or a mailto: link with email address for which notification will be sent when live task is ready for playback. Download lagu boyce avenue ft tiffany jar of hearts. QCNotify Can be either an HTTP(S) URL for the script or a mailto: link with email address for which notification will be sent when QC processing finished for each output format. Callback Format If an 'http(s)://' link is specified in the part of the, the HTTP POST request will be sent to the specified location.
The POST data will contain a single parameter named xml or json (as stated in notifyformat parameter) in the following format: MediaID SourceFile MediaStatus ErrorDescription OutputFormat URL Saved Error (ErrorDescription) URL2 Saved Error (ErrorDescription) URLN Saved Error (ErrorDescription) TaskStatus ErrorDescription ErrorSuggestion Field Description MediaID A unique identifier of the media SourceFile Media source file URL MediaStatus Could be either Finished or Error OutputFormat Format of encoded file, as was requested in the query. DestFile ThumbDest Could be one of the following:. ftp://user:password@server/path/filename. — the bucket must have WRITE permission for AWS user 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b92a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869 See for details OR. — if destination was not specified in the query.
Output Output format type. Can be one of the following:. Video Outputs. 3gp. android. dnxhd.
dnxhdmxf. fl9. flv. hds. ipad.
ipadstream. iphone.
iphonestream. ipod. kindlefire. m4v. mov. mp4. mpeg1.
mpeg2 (just experimental feature please use with care, feedback is welcome). mpegts. muxer. mxf.
ogg. prores. psp. roku1200.
roku1800. roku2700. roku800. rokuhls. smoothstreaming. vidly.
vidlylite. webm. wmv.
wowza. wowzamultibitratemp4. zune.
Audio Outputs. eac3. m4a. mp3. wav. wma. Misc Outputs.
VP6 FLV Output VP6 (deprecated) VP6 feature is deprecated and will be automatically converted to the new form. All parameters will be ignored. If you choose the vp6 codec for flv output, you will have fewer parameter options than if you use the vp6flix output (see below) and therefore, your XML query will differ: UserID UserKey Action flv vp6 64k 44100 2 Note: we strongly recommend using video dimensions that are multiples of 16. VP6 Flix To generate vp6 output using the On2 Flix encoder, please use the vp6flix output format which includes additional optional options: UserID UserKey Action vp6flix Field Name Allowed Values Default Values vp6profile Encoding profile 1 — VP6E 2 — VP6S 1 noisereduction Determines the level of noise filtering to apply in the preprocessor. 0,6 0 — no preprocessing 6 — extreme preprocessing Bits per pixel dependent upct Parameter for undershoot percentage 0-100 90 kfinttype Keyframe interval type 1 — MAX KEYFRAMES 2 — FIXED KEYFRAMES 1 keyframe Keyframe period (in frames) Non-negative integer 300 sharpness Controls the sharpness of the image in the output 0,7 Bits per pixel dependent cxmode Compress mode 1 — GOOD 2 — BEST 1. Audio multitrack settings You can change audio tracks settings in the section.
UserID UserKey Action SourceMediaAudioStreamID language identifier OutputChannelID SourceTrackID:SourceChannelID ChannelGainLevel yes no AudioLayoutName Field Name Allowed Values Default Values usestreamid Source media stream ID Non negative integer number By default # of param will be used. Nielsen metadata You can change settings of Nielsen metadata for mp4, and output formats.
Field Name Allowed Values Default Values copynielsenmetadata Copy Nielsen audio watermarks and Nielsen ID3 tags from source yes, no no nielsenbreakoutcode Nilesen breakout code 00 — Live content with same TV ads. Original simulcast with same ad-load.
Harmonic Carbon Api Manual For Xml Format
03 — Content with same TV ads for 3 days. Content with original ad-load for at least 3 days. 07 — Content with same TV ads for 7 days. Content with original ad-load for at least 7 days.
09 — Content without same TV ads. Content with original changed/added ad-load. FOR DIGITAL PROGRAM RATING ONLY. Nielsendistributorid Nielsen distributor id Appropriate distributor ID. Destination You can use multiple elements within each.
Xml Api Example
Destination type Description HTTP FTP / SFTP ftp://user:password@hostname:port/path/filename?passive=yes sftp://user:password@hostname:port/path/filename Note: Adding?passive=yes to the FTP URL forces downloader/uploader use Passive Mode for FTP transfer. Also, you can specify?passive=no (the default) explicitly.
It will take the same effect that if you don't specify this parameter at all. Amazon Web Services (S3). authenticated-read&canonicalid=AWSCANONICALUSERID — If you specify AWS canonical user ID in the URL, FULLCONTROL on the object will be granted to the specified user.
authenticated-read&contenttype=your-own/content-type — If you specify Content type, then Amazon will add appropriate Content-type header when the object is accessed via the web. authenticated-read&contentdisposition=attachment;%20filename=”file.ext” — If you specify Content disposition, then Amazon will add appropriate Content-Disposition header when the object is accessed via the web. authenticated-read — If you need your S3 files to be accessed with your own AWS credentials, add your AWS key/secret to the URL.
If you use the Access key and Secret key, they must be URL encoded. For example, if your Key and the Secret are: 1ZG3YAKJ8W0VOA9L7WT6lQT5MsQLirc8owb:SxX/9EhU4M+QarasFelQ0v2M First, we must URL encode the Secret as it contains special characters: ':','+' and '/'. The URL encoded Secret is now: lQT5MsQLirc8owb%3ASxX%2F9EhU4M%2BQarasFelQ0v2M You should NOT encode the colon between Key and Secret nor the '@' after them. So, the destination URL will be: 2F9EhU4M%2BQarasFelQ0v2M@encode.video.s3.amazonaws.com/v/encoded/ Note: — Do not forget to URL encode your AWSSECRET, specifically replacing '/' with '%2F'.
— If you don't specify AWS key/secret, the bucket must have READ and WRITE permissions for AWS user: 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b92a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869 — See for more details. — See for more details on URLencoding. Also, you can add?acl=public-read OR?acl=authenticated-read after the filename. This will explicitly set access rights to the saved object instead of the default settings.
— cachecontrol – Can be used to specify caching behavior along the request/reply chain. — expires – The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable. Type — If the output format implies multiple files (e.g. HLS) you could specify which content type to use for files with particular extension.